GTC's Solo Customers

We have so many amazing customers doing incredible things with the hardware we supply them. Below are some solo stories that show just how our effective our satellite solutions are.

Polar Preet's Antarctic Trek

British Army captain, Preet Chandi, crossed Antarctica completely alone and unsupported, with no food resupply, spending weeks and months on the empty, wintry wastelands, with the only other human interactions being her daily check-in calls to family and the Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions outpost via her Iridium 9555 satellite phone.


Greenland Kayak Challenge

Adventurer, chef, kayaker, explorer, Mike Keen solo kayaked his way up the western coast of Greenland in the name of environmental research, and tracked by Iridium and Garmin hardware all the way along his 2,200km route.

Run Australia Challenge

Avid runner, Nikki Love, ran solo across Australia, where her location was reliably tracked by a SPOT Gen4 satellite tracker and broadcast to her online followers. It was a two-month epic endurance challenge that was the equivalent of an ultramarathon every single day for the duration.


Rockall Challenge

It is hard to get more isolated than this: Rockall, in the North Atlantic, is an uninhabitable granite islet. Yacht-Master, marine biologist, and former serviceman, Chris "Cam" Cameron, called it home for a number of days, where his status and condition was remotely monitored via satellite hardware.

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