Inmarsat BGAN

Helping growers and transporters alike, Globalstar’s satellite technology allows irrigation levels to be monitored, livestock to be tracked in remote locations and manage their resources effectively.

Inmarsat Fleet Broadband

An excellent solution from a company with more than 40 years of technology research and development behind it, FleetBroadband is an innovative way to communicate on a strong network when hundreds of miles from shore. Tens of thousands of vessels make use of this network daily as it’s highly reliable and available almost 100% of the time.

The network is an invaluable tool to mariners of all types, as it provides real-time and accurate weather condition reports, allows electronic charts to be used, and you can connect with your team on land effortlessly. On board, the crew can also have access to all the latest videos via the internet as well as keeping in touch with their loved ones at home. It has proved an vital network in cases of emergency too with full GMDSS compliance.


Inmarsat Voice

Leaders in satellite voice comms, Inmarsat technology integrated into IsatPhone2 means you can not only receive voicemail and text messages, but you can also email too. There’s an assistance mode which can send your GPS data to the right people, as well as track the routes you’ve taken. You won’t run out of time talking too, with a large 8hr talk time and Bluetooth so you can go hands-free.


With coverage over a wide area spanning many continents, the satellite network is essential for communication between commercial and merchant vessels, drilling rigs and offshore messaging.


Inmarsat Hardware

Cobham Explorer 510 BGAN Satellite...

£3,163.20 (Inc. VAT)
£2,636.00 (Ex. VAT)

Cobham Sailor Fleet One Satellite...

£3,446.68 (Inc. VAT)
£2,872.23 (Ex. VAT)

Cobham Explorer 710 BGAN Satellite...

£7,734.34 (Inc. VAT)
£6,445.28 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock 2 Lite Bundle...

£1,626.00 (Inc. VAT)
£1,355.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock 2 Pro

£1,066.80 (Inc. VAT)
£889.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock 2 Pro Bundle

£1,728.00 (Inc. VAT)
£1,440.00 (Ex. VAT)

Cobham Explorer 727 BGAN Satellite...

£13,049.08 (Inc. VAT)
£10,874.23 (Ex. VAT)

Cobham Explorer 325 BGAN Satellite...

£6,093.00 (Inc. VAT)
£5,077.50 (Ex. VAT)

Cobham Sailor 500 FBB Satellite...

£12,505.10 (Inc. VAT)
£10,420.92 (Ex. VAT)

Cobham Sailor 250 FBB Satellite...

£6,618.00 (Inc. VAT)
£5,515.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock Active Antenna -...

£1,208.40 (Inc. VAT)
£1,007.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock Bolt Mount Transport...

£1,208.40 (Inc. VAT)
£1,007.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock2 Marine Bundle

£1,954.80 (Inc. VAT)
£1,629.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock 2 Drive Bundle...

£2,125.20 (Inc. VAT)
£1,771.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock 2 Drive (ISD2...

£928.80 (Inc. VAT)
£774.00 (Ex. VAT)

Beam IsatDock 2 Lite Bundle...

£1,489.20 (Inc. VAT)
£1,241.00 (Ex. VAT)

Inmarsat IsatPhone 2

£822.00 (Inc. VAT)
£685.00 (Ex. VAT)

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