Beam Iridium PotsDock Extreme

Part Number: EXTRMPD The BEAM PotsDOCK is a highly featured docking...
Accessories EU Zero Iridium Iridium Accessories Satellite Phone Accessories Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

What is Included? PotsDOCK Extreme cradle AC/DC Power Adaptor DC Power Cable/Fuse Kit Universal ...


Cobham Explorer 710 30m Antenna Cable


Part Number: 403720B-945 30m antenna cable for Cobham Explorer 710...
Accessories Cobham EU Zero Satellite Terminal Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

This Antenna Cable is compatible with Cobham Explorer 710 BGAN terminals only.


EcoFlow DELTA 2 Smart Extra Battery


The DELTA 2 is a powerful and versatile energy solution...
Accessories Brands Devices EU Zero Welcome10 Discount

Enhanced CapacityThe DELTA 2 offers expandable storage up to 2048Wh with an additional smart b...


Exposure Portable OLAS Core Wireless Overboard ...


TThe Core is a compact, portable overboard alarm and emergency...
AIS Man Overboard Devices: Enhancing Safety at Sea Brands Devices EU Zero Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The Core wirelessly tracks OLAS transmitters around the vessel. When a person wearing a transmitt...


Exposure OLAS Tag


Get the ultimate situational awareness at sea and with your...
AIS Man Overboard Devices: Enhancing Safety at Sea Brands Devices EU Zero Locator Beacons & Flares Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The OLAS tag is a compact OLAS transmitter, easily attached to adults, children, pets and objects...


Exposure Action 1-9 Light


Pierce the night with this powerful light from Exposure. Its...
AIS Man Overboard Devices: Enhancing Safety at Sea Brands Devices EU Zero Flares & Safety Lights Locator Beacons & Flares Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The Action1-9 boasts a 9-degree beam, the tightest from any Exposure Light, piercing through the ...


Iridium Flex Pay Monthly Satellite Phone Plans


Choice of 3 or 12 month minimum term Plans available...
EU Zero Iridium Airtime Iridium Handheld Iridium Monthly Contract Satellite Airtime Prepaid Airtime Vouchers and Monthly Contracts Shop All GTC Products

Why choose GTC for your Iridium Pay Monthly Contract? Iridium Flex Pay Monthly Plans allow you to...


Thrane LT-3100 Iridium Communications System


The Thrane LT-3100 is an Iridium communications system designed and...
EU Zero Iridium Satellite Phones Satellite Phones Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The Thrane LT-3100 Iridium Communications System is a maritime satellite communication product fr...


Thuraya WE Prepaid SIMs


The easiest and most flexible way to use your Thuraya...
EU Zero Prepaid Airtime Vouchers and Monthly Contracts Shop All GTC Products Thuraya Airtime Thuraya Prepaid Satellite Airtime

Please note that Thuraya prepaid airtime is compatible with first-generation Thuraya/Hughes phone...


Scan Antenna Thuraya Passive Omnidirectional Mo...


Part Number: 60401-043 Thuraya external 3m antenna kit for your Thuraya...
Accessories Brands EU Zero Satellite Phone Accessories Shop All GTC Products Thuraya Satellite Network Welcome10 Discount

The SCAN Thuraya Antenna 60401 is a passive OUTDOOR mounted antenna for Thuraya XT, XT-LITE, XT-P...


Scan Antenna Iridium GO! 5m HD Kit


Part Number: 65900-013 Scan Antenna Iridium GO! HD Kit (5m) includes: ...
EU Zero Satellite Wi-Fi Hotspot Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

What is Included? Heavy Duty Antenna (P/N: 65900-003) 5m Cable (P/N: 91005-010) Iridium GO! Ante...


Scan Antenna Iridium 8m Cable (65800)


Part Number: 91005-020 The Scan Antenna Iridium 8m Cable is compatible...
EU Zero Satellite Wi-Fi Hotspot Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

Part Number: 91005-020 The Scan Antenna Iridium 8m Cable is compatible with the Scan Antenna Irid...


Scan Antenna Iridium GO! 10m Kit


Part Number: 65000-033 Scan Antenna Iridium GO! Kit (10m) includes:  Passive...
EU Zero Satellite Wi-Fi Hotspot Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

What is Included? Passive Omni Antenna (P/N: 65000-001) 10m Cable (P/N: 91003-030) Iridium GO! A...


SmartOne Solar Metal Mounting Bracket


This metal mount for SmartOne Solar allows you to position...
EU Zero Satellite Tracker Accessories Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

This metal mount for SmartOne Solar allows you to position your satellite tracker in an optimum p...


Satcube Ku Portable Satellite Broadband Terminal

Satcube Ku is an all-in-one portable Wi-Fi hotspot which connects...
Devices EU Zero Fixed & Portable Satellite Internet Devices - GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

Thanks to its lightweight and compact design, the Satcube Ku is designed for outstanding portabil...


Scan Antenna Iridium 15m Cable (65800)


Part Number: 91005-040 The Scan Antenna Iridium 15m Cable is...
EU Zero Satellite Wi-Fi Hotspot Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

Part Number: 91005-040 The Scan Antenna Iridium 15m Cable is compatible with the Scan Antenna Iri...


Scan Antenna Iridium 15m Cable (65900)


Part Number: 91003-030 The Scan Antenna Iridium 15m Cable is compatible...
EU Zero Satellite Wi-Fi Hotspot Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

Part Number: 91003-030 The Scan Antenna Iridium 15m Cable is compatible with Iridium Passive Omni...


Motorola XT420 Two-Way Radio


Motorola XT420 is a licence free two-way radio for business...
446 Business Radios 446 Consumer Radios Devices EU Zero Motorola Motorola Two-Way Radios Shop All GTC Products Two-Way Radios Welcome10 Discount

Keep your employees connected without subscription or call charges on PMR446 unlicensed frequenci...


NAL Research Shout GSM Satellite Tracker

The SHOUT GSM is a dual-mode Iridium/GSM tracker and messaging...
EU Zero GPS trackers Iridium Personal and Asset Satellite Trackers Personal Satellite Trackers Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The SHOUT GSM is a dual-mode Iridium/GSM satellite tracker and messaging device. It has a touchsc...

NAL Research

NAL Research Shout Nano Satellite Tracker

The SHOUT Nano is a handheld, global, two-way satellite messaging...
EU Zero GPS trackers Iridium Personal and Asset Satellite Trackers Personal Satellite Trackers Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The SHOUT Nano is a handheld, global, two-way satellite messaging and personal tracking device. I...

NAL Research

NAL Research Shout TS Satellite Tracker

The SHOUT ts is a global handheld satellite tracker and...
EU Zero GPS trackers Iridium Personal and Asset Satellite Trackers Personal Satellite Trackers Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The SHOUT TS is a global handheld satellite tracker and messaging device. The colour touchscreen ...

NAL Research

NAL Research Iridium 9602-AB Satellite Tracker

The 9602-AB is a small pocket-sized, two-way satellite tracker with...
Asset Satellite Trackers EU Zero GPS trackers Personal and Asset Satellite Trackers Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The Iridium SBD 9602-AB is a small and discreet ultra-low power consumption Iridium satellite ass...

NAL Research

Iridium Edge® Pro


The Iridium Edge® Pro is a standalone device for precise...
Asset Satellite Trackers EU Zero GPS trackers Personal and Asset Satellite Trackers Satellite IoT Devices – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

Iridium is one of the world leaders in cutting-edge satellite communication technology. With glob...


Iridium® Push-to-Talk (PTT) Monthly Plans


Why choose GTC for your Iridium Pay Monthly Contract? Plans...
EU Zero Iridium Airtime Iridium Monthly Contract Satellite Airtime Prepaid Airtime Vouchers and Monthly Contracts Shop All GTC Products

Stay connected no matter where your mission takes you with Iridium® Push-to-Talk (PTT) Monthly Pl...


Iridium GO! Outside USB Cable


Outdoor USB Cable for your Iridium GO!
Accessories EU Zero Iridium Iridium GO! Accessories Iridium Products Satellite Wi-Fi Hotspot Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The outdoor USB charging cable provides power to the Iridium GO! device for temporary outdoor or ...


Inmarsat FleetOne Pay Monthly Plans


3-month minimum term Coastal or Global plans available No suspension...
EU Zero Inmarsat Airtime Inmarsat FleetOne Inmarsat Monthly Contract Satellite Airtime Prepaid Airtime Vouchers and Monthly Contracts Shop All GTC Products

Why Choose GTC for your Fleet One contract? 3-month minimum term Coastal or Global plans availab...


Iridium 9555 PotsDOCK Bundle

The PotsDOCK 9555 Bundle Package (9555PD-SB) is a docking station...
Accessories EU Zero Iridium Iridium Accessories Iridium Products Satellite Phone Accessories Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

The PotsDOCK 9555 (9555PD-SB) is a docking station that allows the Iridium 9555 handset to be use...


Garmin TOPO Great Britain v2 PRO 1-50k


Full coverage recreational map of Great Britain including Ordnance Survey (OS)...
EU Zero Garmin Satellite Trackers Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

Upgrade your Garmin device with this full recreational mapping card of Great Britain. Simply ins...


Hughes 9202 BGAN Satellite Terminal Battery


Accessories EU Zero Satellite Terminal Accessories – GTC Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

This Li-ion battery is designed specifically for HUGHES 3500065-0001, 9201, and 9202 BGAN models....

10% OFF

Garmin Montana 700i with TOPO Great Britain Pro...



HALF PRICE UPGRADE  Get your Garmin Montana 700i with half...
Brands Devices EU Zero Garmin GPS Handhelds Garmin inReach Satellite Trackers Garmin Satellite Trackers Shop All GTC Products Welcome10 Discount

This is the device you've been waiting for. inReach satellite technology combined with Garmin's ...


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