The annual Test Your Satellite Phone program was created by Iridium and acts as a support for first responders, emergency workers, government agencies and anyone else who might be in a life-threatening situation. The program has been running for seven years and ensures that satellite phone users are better prepared for any sudden emergencies by confirming that their satellite phones are in full working order.

Emergency situations require the ability to communicate and a satellite phone can be a critical lifeline in times of need. Between 6th May and June 1st Iridium offer users of satellite phones the opportunity to make a call to a dedicated test number to test the operational status of their phone and to ensure that their satellite phone is functioning properly.
To test your phone simply turn it on and call 1-480-752-5105 (calls from Iridium handsets will not be charged airtime), you will then hear a call completion confirmation message as well some quick tips on proper handset usage.
If you like, comment or re-tweet about Test Your Satellite Phone on Facebook and Twitter you will receive more tips and reminders from Iridium. You can also visit Iridium’s YouTube site for tutorial videos with step-by-step instructions on how to test and use your Iridium Satellite phone.
Tips to Test Your Phone Anytime
- Go outside
- Turn on your phone
- Extend the antenna toward the sky
- Wait for the green LED network indicator
- Dial 00 + country code + phone number
- Press the green button to start your call
Tips to Stay Prepared at All Times
- Test your phone monthly
- Keep the battery charged
- Ensure SIM card is locked in place
- Protect your phone’s antenna
- Call in an unobstructed outdoor area
- Refer to your User Guide for proper use
Regular testing makes sure that satellite phones are working when you need them most, keeping you prepared for the unexpected and ready for anything.