Queclink GL520 GSM Tracker is a reliable and cost-effective device to track assets.
GSM Tracker Queclink GL520 Features:
This GSM tracker consumes a minimal amount of power giving it an impressive battery life.
With GPS enabled it will send one location report every day for 736 days. With GPS disabled it will send one location every day for 1,234 days - this will result in a less accurate location as it will rely on the GSM capability only.
No separate antenna is required, the device transmits from one compact unit measuring just 90mm x 40mm x 20mm. This GSM tracker also has a built in light sensor which will send an alert if it detects the device is being repositioned.
Queclink GL520 GSM Tracker reports to our GTCTrack online mapping portal. GTCTrack provides real-time positioning and specialized reporting of assets worldwide and is compatible with over 50 different manufacturers of tracking hardware.