Fleet One Prepaid Airtime

Fleet One Prepaid Airtime

£54.00 (Inc. VAT)
£45.00 (Ex. VAT)

Inmarsat Fleet One airtime is suitable for the Cobham Sailor Fleet One Satellite Terminal.

*The Cobham Fleet One Standard IP Speeds have now increased to up to 150kbps*

Coastal | 10 MB Data | 50 Units | Valid for 30 Days
Global | 10 MB Data | 50 Units | Valid for 30 Days
Coastal | 50 MB Data | 250 Units | Valid for 30 Days
Global | 50 MB Data | 250 Units | Valid for 30 Days
Coastal | 60 MB Data | 300 Units | Valid for 90 Days
Global | 100 MB Data | 500 Units | Valid for 90 Days
Global | 200 MB Data | 1000 Units | Valid for 180 Days
Coastal | 200 MB Data | 1000 Units | Valid for 180 Days
Global | 300 MB Data | 1500 Units | Valid for 180 Days
Coastal | 300 MB Data | 1500 Units | Valid for 90 Days
Global | 1000 MB Data | 5000 Units | Valid for 180 Days
Coastal | 1000 MB Data | 5000 Units | Valid for 180 Days

Fleet One Prepaid Airtime
£54.00 (Inc. VAT)
£45.00 (Ex. VAT)


Stay connected and in control of your maritime communication needs with Fleet One Prepaid Airtime. Whether you're navigating the high seas or cruising coastal waters, our flexible prepaid plans ensure uninterrupted connectivity for your vessels. With reliable coverage and competitive rates, Fleet One Prepaid Airtime keeps your fleet in sync, no matter where your adventures take you. Explore our range of prepaid plans today and set sail with confidence.

In order to process the activation, you will be required by Inmarsat to provide the vessel details.

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Calling Rates

Standard & Non-Rechargeable Global Voucher Calling Rates 

Service Units Required (per minute)
Standard IP 5
Voice to Fixed 0.50
Voice to Cell 0.68
Voice to BGAN/FBB/GSPS 0.50
Voice to Iridium 11
Voice to Globalstar 8
Voice to Thuraya 5
Voice to Other MSS 6.9
Voicemail 0.50
SMS 0.50




Standard & Non-Rechargeable Global Voucher Calling Rates 

Billable Increments Minimum Duration Increment
Fleet One Voice 30 seconds 15 seconds
Fleet One Standard IP 0.049 MB 0.0196 MB
Voice to Cell 50 KB 20 KB


1.) The expiration date will be extended based upon the date of voucher redemption.

2.) Inmarsat Prepaid expirations occur at 00:00 UTC for the expiration date in question. To ensure existing airtime is not lost, the recharge should be processed at least 24 hours prior to expiration 

3.) Unused units will roll over if SIM is topped up prior to the expiration date.

4.) Crew, Multi‐Voice, ISDN and Streaming Class Services are not available on Fleet One activations.

5.) To be eligible for the Fleet One Global plan, the following conditions must all be met at all times throughout the Service Term:

(a) Vessels must have a Maritime Mobile Security Identity (MMSI) which is to be provided upon provisioning
(b) Vessels must receive the service using an Inmarsat type approved Fleet One terminal, and
(c) "Vessels" must not be floating / fixed platform, or rigs

6.) If the above information is found to be incorrect or provided falsely, GTC reserve the right to cancel the plan and charge the user in full. The user acknowledges andagrees that such charges are deemed a price adjustment to reflect the amounts that would have been payable on an Inmarsat Standard Plan for vessels not eligible for the Fleet One Service Plan.

7.) A further administrative charged may be charged to the user for the cost of converting to the correct plan as described above.

8.) All services used on the Fleet One Global Plans are available without any geographical restriction.

1.) The expiration date will be extended based upon the date of voucher redemption.

2.) Inmarsat Prepaid expirations occur at 00:00 UTC for the expiration date in question. To ensure existing airtime is not lost, the recharge should be processed at least 24 hours prior to expiration.

3.) Unused units will roll over if SIM is topped up prior to the expiration date.

4.) Crew, Multi-Voice, ISDN and Streaming Class Services are not available on Fleet One activations.

5.) To be eligible for the Fleet One Coastal plan, the following conditions must all be met at all times throughout the Service Term:

(a) Vessels provisioned on Fleet One SIMs on the Coastal Prepaid Plan must either be:
(i) small vessels that are less than 500 GRT, or
(ii) larger vessels that are solely engaged in fishing or are pleasure yachts.
(b) Vessels must have a Maritime Mobile Security Identity (MMSI) which is to be provided upon provisioning
(c) Vessels must receive the service using an Inmarsat type approved Fleet One terminal, and
(d) "Vessels" must not be floating / fixed platform, or rigs

6.) Upon request from the GTC, the user must demonstrate to GTCs satisfaction (including providing all documents and information requested) that a vessel is eligible for a Fleet One Coastal Plan.

7.) GTC reserves the right to cancel any airtime subscription giving 14 days if the vessel is found to be ineligble.

8.) If a user has an ineligible vessel, GTC reserves the right to retroactively re-rate any in region ‘Home’ traffic at the Standard Plan rate and charge accordingly. The user acknowledges and agrees that such charges are deemed a price adjustment to reflect the amounts that would have been payable on an Inmarsat Standard Plan for vessels not eligible for the Fleet One Service Plan.

9.) A further administrative charged may be charged to the user for the cost of converting to the correct plan as described above.

10.) Fleet One Coastal Plans provides specialized pricing within designated geographical areas. These are referred to as the "Home Region". For vessels that activate on a Fleet One Coastal Plans, data services are restricted to the "Home Region" only. Where a vessel moves out of the "Home Region", data services will not be available. For clarity, voice services are available without any geographical restriction.

11.) For topup purposes, Fleet One Coastal Prepaid Plan designation also applies to the original Fleet One Prepaid Plan introduced in 2014, which had "Home Region" burn rates and "Out of Region" burn rates

12.) The map highlights what is considered the home region for Fleet One Coastal Plans. Note that the map is indicative. Coverage has been extended for all Fleet One Coastal plans to include: All continental coastlines to 200NM or greater, including Panama, Suez, Malacca, and all inland waterways. Inmarsat will be releasing an App to allow vessels to monitor how close they are to boundary. Note that coverage limitation only applies to data services.


Please note that upon requesting activation of your prepaid airtime you are agreeing that we can start providing your network services before the end of the usual statutory cancellation period and that by doing so, you lose your right to cancel your purchase of the prepaid airtime or request a refund. As a result, please check that you have ordered the correct airtime for your handset or terminal. Please refer to our terms and conditions for full information. This does not affect your statutory rights.




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