The Balloonists
Mike and Deborah Scholes are two highly experienced and passionate balloonists with a long history of flying balloons all over the UK and Europe. Deborah is probably the only British lady to hold a Rozière balloon pilot’s license as well as licenses for gas and hot air balloons. She enjoys challenging flights and has flown balloons across the English and Bristol Channels, over the Alps and up to an altitude of 23,180ft, an unofficial women’s British record.
Mike, before losing 85% of his sight in 2007, was a commercial balloon pilot and gained five British balloon duration records which still stand.
the hardware
We have supplied Mike and Deborah with some of the market's most powerful satellite communications hardware: the Iridium GO! exec Satellite WiFi Hotspot, and the Garmin inReach Messenger. These devices not only provide invaluable peace of mind, but will enable the pair to remain in contact with their Mission Control team on the ground. The GO! exec will allow them to send messages via WhatsApp and email, even from high altitudes, while the inReach Messenger comes with SOS functionality and check-in messages for regular and assured wellbeing monitoring and emergency/recovery situations.

The case study
Full details of Mike and Deborah's Transatlantic Balloon Challenge will be available soon.