Utilising our partnership with Pulsar, GTC can offer Starlink's satellite network to bring high-speed internet access to off-grid, remote areas whether in a fixed location, on the move on at sea. Offering some of the fastest speeds of up to 220Mbps and lowest latency of < 99ms, Starlink enables high throughput connectivity for offices, events companies, storefronts, and other demanding workloads across the globe. While residential users can engage in activities that historically have not been possible with satellite internet. Starlink’s high-speed, low-latency service is made possible via the world’s largest constellation of highly advanced satellites operating in a low orbit around the earth.
starlink key features
- High-speed throughput
- Low latency
- Quick and simple installation
- 24/7 customer support
- Limitless service areas
pulsar connect
With Pulsar Connect you can gain oversight of all connected Pulsar iO nodes/devices, such as a Starlink, in your fleet or remote locations. From there you can monitor connectivity and usage patterns using powerful analytics and instantly connect to any device on the network through an intelligent online dashboard.

starlink for enterprise
Starlink's flexible and high-speed broadband capabilities allow businesses to easily adapt to changing commercial requirements and ensures that they have a reliable connection no matter where they operate. Even when used for resiliance and back up, users will have peace of mind that there is no reliability on fibre or cell data connections to use the system.

starlink for humanitarian
With quick setup and time to connect to the network, fast speeds and flexible plans, Starlink can support the various data needs of humanitarian operations in remote locations. Being able to offer high bandwidth means that Starlink can support multiple users at the same time so information can be passed in real time.
starlink for Maritime
The revolutionary Starlink service is allowing all types of vessels to have the ability of normal fibre internet whilst at sea. This allows for leisure users to have a remote office or simply use their favourite streaming service whilst under way at sea. For enterprise users, Starlink is critical for not only communicating vital shipping information, but also crew welfare to ensure that they have the connectivity to communicate back home using a reliable and fast service as and when they wish.