Note: you need to activate your Iridium GO! exec before the SOS function will work.

The SOS feature on the Iridium GO! exec does not come preconfigured. It is essential to set it up before venturing off-grid. Failure to do so means the SOS button will not trigger any response in case of an emergency

Setting it up is straightforward. Take a few moments to make sure you thoroughly understand this guide and complete the SOS setup on your device.

How to Access and Trigger SOS on the Iridium GO exec

There are three ways to activate SOS:

  • Press the physical red SOS button on the device.
  • Access the SOS menu on the device's touchscreen and long press the SOS button.
  • Tap and hold the SOS button within the Iridium GO! exec App on your mobile device, whether connected via WiFi directly or through a DataHub.

Configure the SOS Feature with IERCC

Every time you power on the Iridium GO! exec before it is configured, you will receive a prompt to set up the SOS feature. You can do this using the Iridium GO! exec App (make sure you have access to the internet for this).

The SOS feature can be configured to harness the IERCC Safety Service or to contact a specific individual. We advise registering and using the IERCC Safety Service, which is owned by Garmin. This service operates 24/7 with skilled operators who can coordinate with emergency responders across more than 200 countries and territories.

Using the IERCC service

Register your device with IERCC from a web browser on your computer or smart device.

Note: to register, you will need your Iridium line 1 phone number and Iridium GO! exec IMEI. These can be found by using the App when the device is connected through WiFi. To find these:

  • Tap the Settings wheel
  • Under the Basic heading tap Device Settings
  • Under Admin Settings tap Admin Settings
  • Swipe down and tap Device Info
  • When entering your details on the registration page, it will ask for your personal details and emergency contacts

After you finish registering, IERCC will issue a 5-digit authorisation code. To input this code into your device via the App:

  • Tap the Settings wheel
  • Under the Basic heading tap Device Settings
  • Under the Admin Settings heading tap Admin Settings
  • Swipe down and under the SOS heading tap SOS Settings.

Enter the authorisation code then on iOS tap Save, or, on Android tap the checkmark in the top right corner. Tap Save again on the Admin page.

If successful, your SOS settings will save to the device and the SOS action will be set to Call for the IERCC service.

Important: If the code is entered incorrectly, an error message will appear, preventing you from saving it. Once you leave this page, there is no way to revisit it to verify the IERCC code you have entered. The only way to ensure it is set correctly is by powering off your GO! exec for 30 seconds and then restarting it. If the warning to configure SOS does not reappear, the IERCC code has been successfully saved. Your IERCC code is specific to your device, meaning you cannot use a code that is valid for another device.

Testing the IERCC SOS Safety Service

We suggest testing your GO! exec as soon as possible. The IERCC requests scheduling all tests at least 72 hours in advance, unless an earlier testing time is approved by the Operations Team.

Please visit the IERCC test information page to complete an online submission form for scheduling a test. Upon form submission, IERCC will confirm the test via email.

Notes on Using SOS

Activating SOS from the GO! exec:

Touchscreen: tap the SOS icon on the GO! exec touchscreen to display the SOS trigger screen. Long press and hold the SOS button for at least 3 seconds. The GO! exec will initiate a countdown timer, visible on the screen. During this period, the SOS event can be cancelled by tapping the blue Cancel button without alerting the Emergency Service Provider.

Physical red-colored SOS button: press and hold the physical SOS button for at least one second. The device will commence a countdown timer, displayed on the screen.

Important: when initiating an SOS event via the physical SOS button, the exec can be either on or off. If off, it will power up first and then proceed with the SOS event. Upon countdown timer expiration, the SOS will enter the active phase, initiating contact with the designated Emergency Service Provider.

  • From the Iridium GO! exec app: ensure the Iridium GO! exec App is connected to the Iridium GO! exec WiFi. Tap SOS in the app menu bar. Long press the red SOS button in the app for 5 seconds until the countdown timer begins.
  • Aborting an SOS: to cancel an SOS event without alerting the Emergency Service Provider, tap the blue Cancel button on the touchscreen or in the App before the countdown timer expires. An SOS activated via touchscreen or physical red button can only be deactivated on the device, not through the app.
  • Active SOS: upon SOS activation, the Iridium GO! exec App will automatically initiate an outbound call to the designated Emergency Service Provider, displaying current Latitude and Longitude. The operator will assist with the emergency. To end the call, use the device's screen.

Important: the SOS event remains active even after call conclusion or disconnection. To close an active SOS event, press the Cancel SOS button. In the United States or Australia, users can dial 911 or 000, respectively, during an emergency, regardless of having a valid SIM card.

Phone calls during SOS: to ensure the SOS call reaches the emergency contact, all non-SOS voice calls on line 1 and/or line 2 will terminate upon SOS call initiation. The user cannot initiate a new emergency call while an SOS call is ongoing.

Cancelling SOS: SOS events can be cancelled from the Iridium GO! exec touchscreen or the App. The App can only cancel an SOS triggered within it.

  • Touchscreen: The user must explicitly cancel the SOS via the Cancel button on the SOS active screen.
  • Physical SOS button: Press and hold for at least one second, then press the Cancel button.
  • App: Press Cancel SOS, then confirm the cancellation.

Indicator of active SOS event:

  • the Title bar will turn red, usually white text on a black background.
  • the SOS tab in the bottom tab bar will display a red dot.

When SOS is activated, to ensure GPS latitude and longitude reporting from the internal GPS antenna, it is crucial to set the GNSS antenna setting to Internal. By default, the GO! exec GNSS antenna setting is set to Auto. Instructions for configuring this are detailed in Step 9: Configure the GO! exec to use an external antenna.

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