Effective immediately, all Inmarsat validity extensions for IsatPhone and BGAN will extend the existing expiration by 30 days. Previously 30 days was added from the date of the top-up. You can also now add multiple validity extensions to your Inmarsat IsatPhone or BGAN pre-paid SIM card and the total extension period will be cumulative. As a guide:
- New system: Add a validity extension and the 30 days will be added to your existing expiry date e.g. current top-up expiring on 30th September will be extended to 30th October
- Old System: Add a validity extension and the 30 days will be added from the day of top-up e.g. current top-up expiring on 30th September, validity extension added on 15th September, top-up would have been extended to 15th October
- Example: If one (1) 50-units / 90 days voucher is added on 15 January 2017
- If original expiration date = 20 January 2018, then the new expiration will remain 20 January 2018 (as it is the later of the 2 dates)
- If original expiration date = 20 January 2017, then the new expiration = 15 April 2017 (90 days from date of topup)